Thursday, June 30, 2016
Thoughts on Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton Meeting
First, it is just unimaginable to me that our Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America, would have this meeting in a public space as the FBI investigation nears its end. The optics are just horrific for her and for Hillary Clinton, and the immediate thought that enters pretty much everyone's mind will be "well, the fix is in on that deal."
That sure was my first thought.
However, the other side of this is that it is just as likely that the AG was giving Mr. Clinton a head's up that there probably will be an indictment as it is that there will not be one. He is an ex-President, after all, and the office is deserving of deference and respect even if the person who held it isn't.
If I were in her position on this thing, I know I would be more likely to want to deliver bad news in person than good news. I think I'd want to give that level of deference to anyone who had held the office.
I'm kind of like Fox Mulder where the AG is concerned: I want to believe Ms. Lynch will turn out to be an honorable person on this matter, and much of her background encourages optimism in that regard. But we all have to understand that she is no doubt under tremendous pressure from her President to quash any criminal referral the FBI brings forth for purely partisan political reasons.
So, assuming the FBI does bring down such a referral, Ms. Lynch is likely to be faced with a choice of keeping her job or her integrity intact. Her admirers would contend she would choose the later. Only time will tell.
But the bottom line on this ill-advised meeting is that one should not assume she was delivering news that Mr. Clinton wanted to hear. That could have just as easily been done over the phone with no prying eyes looking in.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Terrible Choice Ahead
Quinnipiac came out with what Matt Drudge in his own inimitable manner called a "SHOCK POLL" in screaming headlines this morning. The poll was a "shock" because it shows the presidential race a dead heat, with Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by just 42% to 40%.
Presumably the other 18% were gagging too hard to answer the question properly, because the poll's other results show that the majority of the voting public absolutely hates, detests and is horrified at the choice before them in this election. To which I can only respond, well, guess what? The public is who made this choice in the first place.
Let us never forget that, regardless of how "rigged" the nominating processes of each party are, ultimately it was the voters in the various state primaries and caucuses who ended up choosing these two specific presumptive nominees. Yes, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the evil minions at the Democratic National Committee did everything they could to tilt their contest in the favor of Mrs. Clinton, and yes, her opponents ranged from the stark, raving crazy Bernie Sanders to a circus clownish ex-governor from Rhode Island, with only the terminally tedious Martin O'Malley in between, but still, there was a choice, and the Democrat voters chose The Most Corrupt Woman In America to be their party's standard bearer in the November election.
Assuming, of course, she isn't indicted prior to the convention. But Democrat voters were well aware of that possibility, and chose her anyway.
The decision by GOP voters to leave their party's presidential hopes in the hands of a man who often wanders off into side-shows that do untold damage to his electability was also a conscious, very intentional choice that reflects the abject failure of the party's leadership in Washington to do anything effective to slow the Obama agenda in the last 8 years. It was very clear that Trump was an undisciplined political wild card as far back as the first primary debate that was held in August of last year. But GOP primary voters didn't care - they wanted something different, and boy has Trump delivered that.
So now that the decisions the voters have made are before them, and it is clear that there is most likely no turning back from this precipice, you have a big case of buyer's remorse settling in. Many Democrat voters are no doubt standing back and thinking 'geez, if we'd have just nominated someone who isn't a career criminal, beating Trump would have been a cakewalk', just as many GOP voters are no doubt thinking 'geez, can we give Marco Rubio a do over?'. Well, no, you can't.
Here's the truth: All the Republicans needed to do to easily defeat The Most Corrupt Woman In America was nominate someone who could run a disciplined, professional campaign. All the Democrats needed to do to easily defeat Trump was to NOT nominate The Most Corrupt Woman In America.
Here's where we stand: Trump still has an opportunity to discipline himself and let Paul Manafort run a professional campaign for him. If that happens, he'll win. If it doesn't, he won't.
The Democrats, meanwhile, are stuck with Hillary, barring a sudden, extremely unlikely burst of professional integrity at the Justice Department. She is who she is, and there's no going back from that.
The fact that she is stuck in such a close race with Trump, after the horrid month Trump has had in June, is an overwhelmingly bad sign for the Democrats.
Regardless of how this election comes out, never forget that the voting public has only itself to blame, because they had the opportunity to vote for someone else.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Does Brexit Vote Presage Trump Presidency?
It was a lot of fun to see all the long faces open the various major network morning shows with the news that voters in Great Britain had chosen, by a 52-48 margin, to free their home land from the chains and dictates of the internationalists who run the EU in Brussels.
Enough Brits had gotten sick of seeing their culture destroyed by the EU's open borders policies, had gotten sick of seeing their jobs shipped overseas, had gotten sick of a stagnant economy and falling standard of living, and more than anything else had gotten sick and tired of hearing Prime Minister David Cameron and the country's other internationalist leaders telling them that "that is not who we are" whenever they dared to complain, to push the final vote on this matter over the top.
Unsurprisingly to anyone who pays attention to such things, the actual vote stood in contrast to a rash of last minute polls and pronouncements in the British state-run media that the Brexit proposition was doomed to fail. So ubiquitous was this "conventional wisdom" over the last couple of weeks that even the vast majority of pro-Brexit voters went to the polls fully expecting the proposition to fail.
If all of this sounds familiar to you, it should, because the basis for the Brexit campaign is essentially the same as the basis for the Donald Trump campaign here in the U.S.
President Obama began using his "that's not who we are" talking point two years ago, when he announced his executive order that would have "legalized" about 4 million illegal immigrants. (That order was rebuffed by the Supreme Court yesterday.) He has repeated that talking point hundreds of times since, using every conceivable opportunity to try to brainwash the public into believing that the U.S. has always been a purely open borders nation. That same drumbeat was quickly adopted by other Democrat politicians and their thousands of Democrat propaganda agents in our country's own fake news media. Recently, we've even seen House Speaker Paul Ryan and a few fellow internationalist GOP members of congress take up the mantra.
The truth, of course, is that America has always been welcoming of immigrants, but always through an organized process of legalization and assimilation. For more than 200 years this country was highly selective about who it allowed to come and join our society. For more than two full centuries, this country carefully worked to ensure that immigrants came to this country wanting to assimilate to our society, wanting to join our existing culture, wanting - indeed longing - to be able to live under our system of laws and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.
Trump began his campaign with the correct sense that a growing number of Americans are sick of being lied to by internationalist politicians about "who we are", sick of seeing our culture destroyed by open borders policies, sick of seeing our people sacrificed at the altar of unfettered immigration, sick of seeing our jobs shipped overseas, sick of economic stagnation and a falling standard of living.
The Trump campaign is essentially the same as the Brexit campaign. Brexit, despite the intense and coordinated propaganda effort mounted by the Cameron government and the state run news media, in the face of a rash of polls showing it would fail, won yesterday by a comfortable margin.
In our presidential race, Trump is Brexit, Hillary is Remain. Time will tell if British history can be repeated in America.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Sit-ins, Polls and Basketball
The Democrats staging their petulant sit-in on the House floor yesterday and this morning are not only attempting to do away with the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, but 5th Amendment as well. Fake media reports notwithstanding, the sit-in is protesting Speaker Paul Ryan's insistence that any "gun control" bill brought up for a floor vote must protect Americans' rights to due process under the 5th Amendment.
This is kind of a big deal, or at least it is to anyone who is not a Democrat politician or progressive activist.
That's what this sit-in is about, nothing more or less. The national Democrat Party wants to take away your 5th Amendment rights, and your 2nd Amendment rights. Eliminating such rights was also among the first priorities of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi (National Socialist) Party when they assumed control in Germany.
This is not a coincidence, folks.
Thursday's Today Show led with a story that President Obama, upon leaving office, is looking at the potential for becoming the owner of an NBA franchise. Upon hearing that lead, my first thought was that I wonder if anyone at NBC might think to ask how it is that a person who has been nothing more than a "community organizer" and a professional politician for his entire adult life might have amassed a personal fortune sizeable enough to even entertain the thought of owning an NBA team, the least expensive of which would cost upwards of $1 billion?
Of course the answer to that is that if Barack Obama were a Republican, that would not only be the first question asked, but the entire focus of the story. But because Barack Obama is a Democrat, no one at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times or the Washington Post would ever dream of posing such an inconvenient question related to this story.
Still, any thinking American ought to be asking how it is that a lifetime politician would have obtained the personal wealth necessary to even entertain this thought. I mean, President Obama doesn't even have a criminal enterprise like the Clinton Foundation to fall back on.
Where's all that money coming from? It's a good question that nobody in our fake news media would even dare to ask.
There must be real panic going on at the DNC this morning, after the release of Quinnipiac Senate race polls yesterday showing Marco Rubio leading by 7% in Florida, Mike Toomey leading by 9% in Pennsylvania, and the hotly contested Ohio race tied. The panic most likely is shared at the Clinton campaign as Quinnipiac has Crooked Hillary tied with Trump in Ohio and leading by only 1 in PA. Her lead in the RealClearPolitics polling average has held steady at just over 5% for more than a week now.
After the last three weeks, during which Trump made a series of unforced errors and the fake media sacrificed ratings and readership in a highly-coordinated effort to take him down, the Clinton camp had to have expected well ahead in these battleground states and nationally, and the DNC no doubt expected the pillorying of Trump would have down-ballot impacts in the senate races.
Not happening. One must wonder how much longer the networks and 24 hour news channels will be willing to continue sacrificing viewers to Fox News at the altar of the Clinton campaign? After mounting a similarly coordinated effort to take Trump down during the last two weeks of March, they all gave up the ghost because they were losing too much money.
I couldn't help noticing that the general media coverage of Trump's speech on Wednesday was far more even-handed than anyone had a right to expect. I'm betting the DNC and Clinton camp noticed that as well.
Trump has avoided any major unforced errors for two weeks now. If that continues, we should expect the national polls to even back up as we approach the GOP national convention in mid-July.
One last add that everyone needs to see and digest:
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Presidential Campaign Began Today
This morning, Donald Trump gave the speech Republican voters have been longing to hear from a Republican - any Republican - candidate about the Clintons for 24 long years.
George H.W. Bush wasn't willing to tell the unvarnished truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1992, and he lost. Bob Dole was too frightened of the Clintons and their media protectors in 1996, and he lost. George W. Bush suffered from the same fear of the Clintons and the media, and the result was his being blamed for the 2008 banking collapse which in fact was caused by idiotic policies enacted during the Clinton Administration.
Today, Donald Trump demonstrated why, out of the original 17 Republicans who sought the Party's nomination this year, he was the only one who would have any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton in the general election. The simple reason why is that Trump has no fear: No fear of the Clintons, no fear of their army of highly paid liars, no fear of our fake media establishment which functions as little more than the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.
The GOP had to have a Honey Badger as its nominee this year. Where the Clintons are concerned, Donald Trump is that Honey Badger - he just don't give a damn. Honey Badger Don't Care.
It has been 36 years since the Republican Party had as its nominee a candidate who had the personal intestinal fortitude to tell the unvarnished truth about the opposition party and its nominee. In this regard, Trump is so alien to the traditional GOP cower-in-fear-of-negative-press approach to politics that many members of his own party simply do not have any idea how to deal with it. As Trump said yesterday in an interview, he is almost having more trouble with leaders in the GOP than he is having with the Democrats.
The reason for that is that establishment Republicans don't know how to react to the Honey Badger in their midst. They have become too accustomed to nominees who more resemble head-in-the-sand ostriches or plodding sloths.
In any event, what we saw from Trump this morning is in fact the beginning of the campaign. This is the campaign that must be run if the Clinton/fake media machine is to be defeated.
It's going to be tough, it's going to be nasty, it's going to be incredibly unpopular among our pop culture, it's going to be hard for the squeamish among us to watch.
But make no mistake about it, the Honey Badger approach is the only way the GOP can win the presidency this year.
And Donald Trump is that Honey Badger.
Game on.
BREAKING: Obama Judge Follows Constitution on Fracking Regulation!
Color me shocked, stunned, flabbergasted, discombobulated and utterly, completely agog: A federal judge appointed by our current President issued a decision yesterday that - be sure you are sitting down before you go on - actually follows the legislative and regulatory process as the founding fathers and Constitution envisioned it ought to work.
I know that's hard to believe - trust me, upon reading the article, I did a double take and went over to and The Onion to make sure it wasn't an urban legend or a prank - but it's true. It actually did happen.
Here are the high points:
- Federal Judge Scott Skavdahl is a federal district court judge in Wyoming, appointed by Barack Obama;
- His ruling, for once, exactly follows the intent of the legislative/regulatory process, i.e., he rules that DOI cannot regulate hydraulic fracturing because Congress has not given that power to DOI. What a concept!;
- Key passage from the decision: "Congress' inability or unwillingness to pass a law desired by the executive branch does not default authority to the executive branch to act independently, regardless of whether hydraulic fracturing is good or bad for the environment or the citizens of the United States.”
· If upheld through the appellate process, the reasoning behind this
decision could have wide-reaching impacts on other major Obama Administration
environment-related regulatory actions, such as the Waters of the U.S. and methane emissions
regulations, given that all of those actions also vastly exceed the authority granted to the
regulators by congress.
DOI will of course appeal this decision, but at least for
this morning, justice has actually prevailed.
Somebody pinch me and make sure I'm not just dreaming this...
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Another Ghoulish Administration Lie
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is going to appear on every Sunday morning news program today. Her focus will not be Islamic Terrorism as it should be. Nor will her focus be the seemingly interminable FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's serial selling of U.S. national security interests for personal gain, as it ought to be.
The Attorney General's focus will be to attempt to shift attention away from those real issues by demagoging the fake "gun control" issue.
This should really come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the activities of the President and the Democrat presumptive nominee since the latest Islamic Terrorist atrocity took place in Orlando last week.
The Attorney General's focus will be to attempt to shift attention away from those real issues by demagoging the fake "gun control" issue.
This should really come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the activities of the President and the Democrat presumptive nominee since the latest Islamic Terrorist atrocity took place in Orlando last week.
They are laying the foundation for the President to issue yet another in a long line of blatantly unconstitutional executive orders relating to gun control, most likely an order that would pretend to outlaw "assault weapons".
You can expect such an order to come as early as this week. These people always strike while the iron is hot, and as they like to say, they never want to let a good crisis - like 49 dead Americans - go to waste.
It's important to remember that the last time a major administration official appeared on every Sunday morning news program was when the UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, took to the air to blame the Benghazi attacks on a video, another blatant, disgraceful lie which Hillary Clinton fully supported.
These people are ghouls. They really, really are.
You can expect such an order to come as early as this week. These people always strike while the iron is hot, and as they like to say, they never want to let a good crisis - like 49 dead Americans - go to waste.
It's important to remember that the last time a major administration official appeared on every Sunday morning news program was when the UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, took to the air to blame the Benghazi attacks on a video, another blatant, disgraceful lie which Hillary Clinton fully supported.
These people are ghouls. They really, really are.
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Loretta Lynch,
Media Bias,
Susan Rice,
Friday, June 17, 2016
Political Correctness IS The Problem
[Today a friend put up a Facebook post that said "I'm tired of moments of silence. I want a voice who takes action and creates change." The following was my reply to her.]
I completely agree. I'm tired of moments of silence, too, and want a voice who takes action and creates change.
The people currently running our government - Democrat and Republican alike - rely on the complacency of the masses. They rely on the people out in flyover country to believe that, by having moments of silence, sending out images of ribbons in rainbow colors, or changing our avatars to an image of the French or Belgian flags, we have accomplished something real, and can now go back to our daily lives feeling better about ourselves.
The truth, of course, is that such feel-good gestures accomplish nothing. Nothing at all, other than, as previously mentioned, making us feel better about ourselves for having done the politically correct thing.
The problem here is that Political Correctness IS THE PROBLEM. By doing nothing other than the politically correct thing, and nothing more, all we are doing is facilitating the maintenance of the status quo.
That's exactly what the people in Washington, R and D alike, want us to do. If you wonder why everyone whose livelihoods and bases of power lay in our nation's capitol have reacted with such hate and anger towards the candidacy of Donald Trump, and why even many Rs are likely going to support Hillary Clinton over their own nominee, you need to understand it is precisely because he threatens to upset the status quo that feathers all of their respective beds.
PC IS the problem. PC is the reason why 49 good Americans died in Orlando last weekend. PC is the reason why the FBI was aware of this terrorist and could do nothing to stop him. PC is why they actually interviewed the guy three times but had no choice but to let him go. PC is why a known terrorist threat was able to hold down a job for years which required a federal background check.
PC is the problem. It is our enemy. And if we all do nothing in response to Orlando and Paris and Brussels and San Bernadino but the PC thing, then we become part of the problem, too.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Connecting the Terrorism Dots
CIA Director is telling a congressional committee this morning that
ISIS is working to send many more jihadists to the United States. One of the main ways they plan to do that is
by embedding them among the thousands of Syrian refugees that President Obama
has already begun to bring into this country.
Hillary Clinton recently doubled down on her pledge to continue and even
increase the President’s policy towards giving these refugees asylum in this
country, rather than find ways to provide them safety in their own country.
Progressives and our fake national news media appear to be incapable of making any
connection between these realities and the constantly growing incidence
rate of Islamic terrorist atrocities in the United States.
dots in a logical manner has never been a strong point for “progressives”.
this week, as the nation reels and mourns in the wake of 49 Americans murdered
by a rampaging Islamic terrorist, President Obama quietly named a woman who is
pretty much unquestionably a radical Islamist to his Council on Homeland
Security. I’m not making this up,
Alawa is a 25 year-old Syrian immigrant who has publicly praised the 9/11
attacks as having made the world a better place. Although she immigrated to this country at
the age of 10, she has publicly renounced any intention of ever becoming an
assimilated American citizen. Her
Twitter feed is full of hate-filled, racist tweets towards America and
is who our President wants on his Homeland Security Advisory Council.
Progressives and our fake national news media are incapable of making any connection between
this sort of insanity and the constantly growing incidence rate of Islamic
terrorist atrocities on U.S. soil.
of our President, today is Thursday, four full days after the Islamic terrorist
committed his atrocity in Orlando, and he still hasn’t managed to find a moment
to make a phone call to the Governor of Florida. True, the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, is
a Republican, and we all know that this President considers Republicans to be
his only true enemies, but every other president since the invention of the
telephone would have put in a call to the governor of any state suffering such
an attack within a few hours of its happening.
there is no depth to which this President will not stoop in order to divide
this country.
Progressives and our fake national news media are incapable of making any connection between
this sort of intentionally divisive behavior in the White House and the
constantly growing incidence rate of Islamic terrorist atrocities on U.S. soil.
I mentioned that the FBI had interviewed the Orlando Islamic terrorist twice and had
let him go free both times. I was
wrong: it is reported today that the FBI
actually had interviewed this obvious radical Islamist THREE times and had let
him go free every time. Not only that,
but he was not placed on the FBI watch list – contrary to Hillary Clinton’s
claims – and he was allowed to maintain his job as a security agent, a job
which required a Homeland Security background check.
understand why he was able to pass that background check and retain that job
and avoid being placed on the FBI’s terrorist watch list, go back up and read
who it is that our President appoints to his Homeland Security Advisory Board.
Progressives and our fake national news media are incapable of connecting any of these
are, however, capable of inventing false connections between this
religiously-motivated act and the need for “gun control”, because, you know,
inanimate objects are the real issue here.
Clinton announced that the only things she would change to the current Obama
policies would be to institute the following gun control measures:
Remove the “gun show loophole” in the
background check laws;
Reinstate the “assault weapons” ban; and
Make sure that no one under FBI
investigation could go out and buy firearms.
are the problems with these proposals:
There is no such thing as a “gun show
loophole” – it hasn’t existed for years now.
She is relying on the ignorance and stupidity of average Americans in
continuing to advocate eliminating something that does not exist;
The “assault weapons” ban existed in the
law for many years, and never prevented any criminal from obtaining an “assault
weapon”. The policy was repealed because
it made absolutely no difference whatsoever;
Preventing those under FBI investigation
from purchasing guns would of course prevent Mrs. Clinton and all of her top
advisors from being able to buy guns, because they are all under FBI
investigation as of today.
seriously, it would make sense for the government to make it illegal for anyone
who is on the FBI terrorist watch list to obtain any sort of firearm. It makes so much sense that Donald Trump met
with the leaders of the NRA yesterday to try to convince them to support this
the leaders of the NRA are smart, they will decide to support that change to
the law. It would be great publicity for
them, and show they do understand that every right in the Bill of Rights is
subject to certain limitations.
course, what Mrs. Clinton, her fellow progressives, and our fake national news
media studiously ignore is that the Orlando Islamic terrorist was not on the
FBI’s watch list, and thus, this change in policy would have – like every other
gun control proposal they support – made no difference at all in what took
place in Orlando.
of those people would still be dead, the nation would still be in mourning, and
our country would still be less safe, all because progressives and our fake
national news media insist upon ignoring and distracting attention away from
the real root cause of the problem.
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Matt Damon,
Media Bias,
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Speaking the Name That Shall Not be Spoken, at Last
Well, if nothing else positive comes out of this horrific
atrocity in Orlando, Donald Trump did manage to finally, after 7-1/2 long
years, get both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to utter the words
“Radical Islam”. This is a breakthrough
that no establishment Republican, no conservative critic, no member of our fake
national “news” media had ever been able to accomplish with these two uniformly
dishonest and politically correct politicians.
Both Hillary and Obama naturally pooh-pooed the notion that
their willingness to actually utter the true name of the real existential
threat to American democracy was in any way important, and in doing that they
were both entirely incorrect.
This is a big deal.
Really, it is.
It’s a big deal because the Clinton/Obama policy of
attempting to fight Islamic terrorism in a squeamish, politically correct way
has been woefully inadequate, and has gotten thousands of Americans needlessly
killed both here in the U.S., and abroad in the myriad Middle Eastern conflicts
in which our military has been ineffectually engaged during this
presidency. One truly cannot effectively
fight an enemy if one is not just unable, but unwilling to accurately name who
that enemy happens to be.
The result of such an approach is that we force the FBI and
other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to spend days and weeks
following an obvious case of Islamic terrorism wasting precious resources
speculating about what, oh, what might his motivation have actually been? The result is we have 49 dead Americans shot
up in a club by an obvious Islamic terrorist who had been under FBI
surveillance for more than two years, who was known to be violent, was a known
wife-beater, had a father who was apparently a CIA asset, had regularly associated
with radical jihadists, had openly and loudly proclaimed his support for ISIS,
Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and who had, despite all of this, somehow been able
to not only obtain firearms, but also managed to – unbelievably! – hold down a
job as a security agent, a job that required a background check by the
Department of Homeland Security.
Folks, this makes the background story of the government’s
awareness and surveillance of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Kennedy
Assassination look positively sane by comparison.
But don’t blame the FBI and other law
enforcement/Intelligence agencies. The
Obama/Clinton policy of attacking Islamic terrorism through the lens of
political correctness requires that the FBI – which interviewed this terrorist
twice but let him go both times – pretend that such a person is just another
ordinary American. Mustn’t “profile” him
based on his associations and obviously violent intention, oh, no. Why, that
would be “racist” (even though Islam is not a “race”) or even worse, “Islamophobic”
(even though most adherents to Islam in the U.S. do not openly associate with
or proclaim allegiance to ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and thus do not
require monitoring by law enforcement).
Why, that might harm this poor man’s sense of self-esteem, and we
mustn’t do that, because the #1 job of the federal government in this
administration is the maintenance of everyone’s self-esteem, isn’t it?
But because Trump aggressively condemned this Clinton/Obama
policy of forced national insanity in his speech on Monday afternoon, both felt
compelled to actually utter the words the next day, Hillary in yet another puff
interview on one of the lapdog networks and the President in an extraordinarily
petulant and thin-skinned “press conference”, during which he naturally took
ZERO questions from the uncomplaining mannequins who make up our fake press corps.
Of course, other than this far overdue actual naming of the
real, true enemy, the Democrat strategy was, as it always is, to distract,
shift the subject and attempt to blame this latest Islamic Terrorist act on
Christians and guns. They’re so focused
now on denying you your rights under the 2nd Amendment that they now
have Jeh Johnson, Director of Homeland Security, out there saying that gun
control is now a key national security objective.
You should really pay attention to that new reality, because
it is not just a new talking point.
These people do not say things like that just for fun. What it means is that this administration –
and, God help us all if it comes about – a Hillary Clinton administration will
now begin finding ways to subvert the 2nd Amendment under the
Patriot Act and other homeland security measures passed following 9/11.
Don’t believe me? Read
the Tuesday New York Times editorial advocating that DHS establish a new “secret
court” that would have as its mission the steadily-increasing undermining of 2nd
Amendment gun ownership rights. In case
you hadn’t figured this out by now, the New York Times is the official
mouthpiece of this Administration, and quite often takes its cues and talking
points directly from Obama officials. If
you think this editorial coming simultaneously with Mr. Johnson’s new talking
point is a coincidence, check back in with me a year from now.
What this latest incidence of Islamic terrorism should bring
home to any thoughtful American is how critical it is for November’s election
to produce a real change in direction for our policy towards the threat. The only real change of direction available
to voters is Donald Trump.
But at least the country’s two leading Democrats have
finally been forced to utter the threat’s real name. As sad and tragically hilarious as it is to
say it, that’s progress.
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Friday, June 10, 2016
Trump's Wasted Week that Was - Or Was it?
During the second half of March, Donald Trump pretty much unarguably had the worst two weeks any presidential candidate in modern times has ever had. He was completely off-message, focused on the wrong things, constantly under fire from the mainstream [fake] news media, and just generally looked lost. The "Trump is Hitler", "Trump is a racist", "Trump is a misogynist" memes were ubiquitous on all the talking head shows and across all social media.
The result of those two weeks came with a big-time loss to Ted Cruz in the Wisconsin primary. This led all the "smart" people in Washington - like Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer and George Will and all the pinheads who write for The National Review these days - to declare Trump dead as a doornail, proclaiming with certainty that Trump could never, never, ever even hope to get to the 1237 delegate needed to win the nomination, and that the GOP would end up having a brokered convention out of which Ted Cruz would emerge victorious.
Remember all of that? If you don't, go back and do a little review, 'cuz that's exactly what happened during that period of time.
So what happened next? What happened next was Ted Cruz never won another contested primary. What happened next was Ted Cruz and the crazy party guest who just won't leave, John Kasich, finally dropped out of the race following Trump's huge win in the Indiana primary. What happened next was Trump ran his delegate total all the way to 1542 as of this writing, with still more on the way. What happened next was Bill Kristol made a clown of himself by pushing some blogger no one had ever heard of as his own stellar independent candidate. What happened next was Trump already consolidating support in the GOP to the same level Mitt Romney managed to put together in the 2012 race. What happened next was Trump taking a temporary polling lead over Hillary Clinton, something none of the "smart" people thought could ever happen in a million years.
That's what happened next, all of it after Trump had experienced the most god-awful two week period in the history of American politics in March.
And now we sit here at the end of another lost week for Donald Trump. He was focused on the wrong things, completely off-message, creating controversy where none needed to exist, pounded 24 hours a day by the [fake] news media, needlessly giving rise again to the "Trump is a racist" meme. His lead over Hillary is now a thing of the past, his campaign is supposedly out of money, and his millions of dollars worth of free weekly airtime on the 24 hour cable networks has all but disappeared.
So now what's happening? Why, all the same "smart" people who declared him dead in early April are now declaring him dead in early June. Bill Kristol and his gang of #NeverTrump circus clowns are busy huddling with Mitt Romney concocting yet another scheme to steal the nomination from Trump at the convention in July. Normal people who see Hillary Clinton as the personification of evil in our time and want desperately to support Trump as the only viable alternative to four or eight years of resident evil in the White House are walking around with their heads down, despairing that Trump is blowing this thing.
That's what's happening now. Everything is right back where it was in early April.
Given what has happened during the course of this campaign season to this point, what do you think is the most likely thing to start happening next?
Get your heads up, Trump fans. It's a long way to November.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Right About Trump, Wrong About Bernie
Honestly, I ought to know better than to try to predict what any Democrat/Socialist/Commie candidate like Bernie Sanders will do. Monday, I predicted he would probably abandon the race after a loss to Hillary Clinton in California ensured he has no means of actually becoming the Democratic Party's presidential nominee.
Obviously, he didn't do that, although we did see a report this morning that he's jettisoned about 75% of his campaign staff and is beginning to wind things down. I made the terrible mistake of assuming the man might show a little class in defeat, forgetting that he's a commie, and thus has no class at all.
Ah, well, live and learn.
On the other side of the ledger, Donald Trump firmly and irrevocably clinched the GOP nomination, for better or worse, running his total of committed delegates up over 1400, far more than the 1237 he will need to prevail at the convention on the first ballot. Those of you who have been reading first my Facebook feed and later this blog know I've been predicting this would be the case since December for three main reasons:
- Trump understands the crucial role that communications and persuasion play in a political campaign far better than any of the actual politicians who ran for the office this go-round;
- Trump understands how concerned most of the U.S. population is with the unfettered refusal of the Obama administration to enforce our country's immigration laws and has owned that issue throughout the campaign; and
- Trump was the clear leader in the polls in December, and the GOP has always, in every election cycle since 1952, ended up nominating the candidate who led in the national polling data in December.
Below I have cut and pasted a piece I posted to my Facebook page on January 13 of this year. While I failed then to foresee the refusal of John Kasich to give up the ghost when it was obvious he had no chance at all, it turned out to otherwise be a pretty accurate projection of how the race would ultimately go.
Doing the Math on the GOP Race
I see a lot of discussion among the DC punditry and around the Interwebs about the theory that, once Iowa and New Hampshire have come and gone, the GOP Establishment will consolidate around a single candidate and that person will then be highly competitive with Trump for the nomination. Let's take a look at the current numbers, using the RealClearPolitics average of recent public polls, and see how the math works:
Current National RCP Average:
Trump 35
Cruz 19
Rubio 11
Carson 8
Bush 5
Christie 3
Fiorina 3
Huckabee 2
Kasich 2
Paul 2
So, between Trump/Cruz/Carson, you have - honestly amazingly - the magic 62% of GOP voters supporting a non-establishment candidate. (The support for those three candidates has for the last four months totaled up to within a percentage point or two of that 62% number in almost every poll take – it’s astonishingly consistent, and frankly spooky.) Add in Fiorina, Huckabee and Paul, none of whom are establishment favorites, and you are at 69%. The total for the other, establishment candidates comes to 21%. 10% remain undecided.
Let's say that, after New Hampshire, Christie and Kasich get out because they didn't do well (Jeb! will stick it out through March or until his super pac runs out of money). And let's give 100% of their votes to Rubio. That gets Rubio to all of 16%.
Let's also say that, after NH, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee and Paul all finally get out. Let's be generous and split their votes 1/3 each between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, basically 4% each.
Now, after all of that, you have:
Trump 39
Cruz 23
Rubio 20
Bush 5
So you get to the end of March, and Bush is finally, at long last, out of money and has to do what he needed to do in December. If you give every single one of his votes to Rubio, you now have:
Trump 39
Cruz 23
Rubio 25
The math simply never works for Rubio, barring some magical event that causes Trump to finally fade.
The truth is - and I pointed this out a couple of times back in October and November - that the Party leadership needed to go to Jeb! over the Christmas holiday season and convince him to get out then. Even that timing was extremely late for it to make enough of a difference.
Barring some miracle finish in NH by one of the establishment guys who are engaged in their own circular firing squad right now in that state, this is over. And, to be fair, such miracles have happened in New Hampshire at times in the past.
But barring that, this is a Trump/Cruz race.
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