Friday, June 3, 2016

The Texas "Permanent Drought" Goes Bust

                                               The Brazos River Flooding Ft. Bend County

Some random thoughts as my home city of Houston faces another day of torrential rains and flooding…

·         Ten years ago, Al Gore released his climate alarmist film, “An Inconvenient Truth”.  Ten years later, not a single fright scenario he casually tossed into that masterpiece has turned out to be true.  The Arctic is not free of ice, snow has not disappeared from the United States or United Kingdom, the rate of sea level rise has not increased from its historic rate, and major hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin, despite Al’s prediction that storms like Katrina would become an annual occurrence, has instead virtually disappeared. But Al got filthy rich out of it all, and the climate alarmist industry has grown at an exponential rate, so they’re all no doubt satisfied.

·         I got to thinking about that this morning when I saw a tweet that pointed out it was two years ago that the Obama Administration and the Climate Alarmist community authoritatively announced that Texas was mired in a “permanent drought”.  That announcement actually came just as the drought was ending, but no matter – some Austin-based media outlets are still running pieces that cling to that absurd notion. 

·         Five years ago, in August of 2011, I came in after watering the front yard on our designated watering day at the time, and announced to my beautiful wife that “I swear I will never complain about rain again as long as I live.”  The last couple of months have made keeping that pledge difficult, but I’ve managed to stand firm so far.  And I’m not complaining about rain in this piece, but when you see so many people suffering and being put out of their homes, it’s hard not to at least say a little prayer, asking God if he couldn’t at last shift it around to another location for awhile?

·         But I’m not complaining about rain, let me be clear about that.  Because I lived through that seven-year drought that Texas did actually experience from 2007 through 2014, and know that the absence of rain is worse than too much of it.

·         August 2011 was probably the very deepest point of that drought.  Every Texas lake was far below normal levels, with some, like Medina Lake, being proclaimed by the “experts” as dead.  The Pedernales River was not even visible from the Highway 71 overpass.  Homes that had been built as “waterfront” on Lake Travis now found themselves high and dry.  The entireties of South Texas and the Texas Panhandle country were nothing more than gigantic tinder boxes awaiting a spark, and wildfires raged across the state.   Some Texas towns ran completely out of drinking water;  others teetered on the brink.  Crops failed all over the state, and livestock died by the thousands from lack of anything to drink.  In November of 2011, when we had a thunderstorm blow through Houston, I realized it had been over a year since I had heard the sound of thunder.

No, I’ll take too much rain any day over that alternative.

At any rate, we Texans can be thankful that the Obama Administration and the Climate Alarmist industry were wrong about the alleged “permanent drought”, as they are wrong about pretty much everything else.  And maybe we all ought to be asking more loudly why it is that this industry continues to be funded by billions of federal dollars so it can continue being wrong and misleading the public about so many things.


  1. Yep, only seven years out of a historical 10 year drought cycle. Not saying it wasn't bad, it was. However, Lake Travis is expected to reach a "top ten" all time height later this weekend. Meanwhile, NASA and NOAA keep cooking the books on climate change. They have fudged the baseline data, as well as most of that data was taken at the low end of a cooling cycle. Now, instead of using the incredibly accurate satellite data they have, they are using selected data from points around major cities where cement jungles retain higher heat values (in that context, I guess the manmade global warming narrative might actually have a little validity.)If they were to use the satellite data, the numbers do not support the "Chicken Little" alarmist story, nor does the amount of sea ice over the poles.

  2. Yep. NASA and NOAA have attempted to fraudulently re-write the global temperature record and keep it all under the radar. That, of course, enables them to claim that a moderate year like 2015 was somehow the "hottest year on record". Well, hell, when you get to change the record, you can pretty much make any year look any way you want it to.

    Luckily, there are watchdogs like Mark Morano out there who have preserved the real data records that the scumbags at NOAA have attempted to destroy. Eventually, we'll get honest people back into that agency and repair the damage.
