Wednesday, June 1, 2016

David Who???

That was my initial reaction last night when the rumor began circulating through the social media that the poor schlub who Bill Kristol has convinced to mount a doomed-to-fail third party presidential run is some guy named David French.

Before we get into Mr. French and his background, it is important to remember that, over the weekend, Mr. Kristol promised that his Chosen One would be a high profile individual who would have "a real chance".  Many of us took that to mean that he'd have a "real chance" to actually be competitive in the presidential race, but to be scrupulously fair to the shark-jumping Mr. Kristol, he did not specify exactly what it is that his sacrificial, candidate would have a "real chance" of doing.  Maybe he meant that the candidate would have a "real chance" to fail miserably and cause Mr. Kristol to become forevermore a laughingstock in the nation's capitol - who really knows?

Now, none of that is meant to demean the actual character of Mr. French, who has bravely served his country in Operation Iraqi Freedom, earning a Bronze Star in the process.  He owns a law degree and currently is a blogger for the National Review.  He is married and is the father of three children.  Good deal.  I'm sure he's a very fine guy.

All that having been conceded, my reaction remains:  "David who???"

Seriously, this is the depths to which the 173 remaining bloggers and far rightwing DC writers who make up the final straggling remnants of the failed #NeverTrump movement have sunk, their collective influence so minuscule at this point that they couldn't convince any actual politician who someone might actually have heard of to head their Quixotic final effort to derail the GOP presidential nominee?

This is pathetic, really.

Mr. French:  you should really reconsider your decision to associate yourself with these people.  It's like becoming the leader of Pig Island in the Angry Birds movie.   Trust me, you have more productive things to do with your time.

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