Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Presidential Campaign Began Today

This morning, Donald Trump gave the speech Republican voters have been longing to hear from a Republican - any Republican - candidate about the Clintons for 24 long years.

George H.W. Bush wasn't willing to tell the unvarnished truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1992, and he lost.  Bob Dole was too frightened of the Clintons and their media protectors in 1996, and he lost.  George W. Bush suffered from the same fear of the Clintons and the media, and the result was his being blamed for the 2008 banking collapse which in fact was caused by idiotic policies enacted during the Clinton Administration.

 Today, Donald Trump demonstrated why, out of the original 17 Republicans who sought the Party's nomination this year, he was the only one who would have any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton in the general election.  The simple reason why is that Trump has no fear:  No fear of the Clintons, no fear of their army of highly paid liars, no fear of our fake media establishment which functions as little more than the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

The GOP had to have a Honey Badger as its nominee this year.  Where the Clintons are concerned, Donald Trump is that Honey Badger - he just don't give a damn.  Honey Badger Don't Care.

It has been 36 years since the Republican Party had as its nominee a candidate who had the personal intestinal fortitude to tell the unvarnished truth about the opposition party and its nominee.  In this regard, Trump is so alien to the traditional GOP cower-in-fear-of-negative-press approach to politics that many members of his own party simply do not have any idea how to deal with it.  As Trump said yesterday in an interview, he is almost having more trouble with leaders in the GOP than he is having with the Democrats.

The reason for that is that establishment Republicans don't know how to react to the Honey Badger in their midst. They have become too accustomed to nominees who more resemble head-in-the-sand ostriches or plodding sloths.

In any event, what we saw from Trump this morning is in fact the beginning of the campaign.  This is the campaign that must be run if the Clinton/fake media machine is to be defeated.

It's going to be tough, it's going to be nasty, it's going to be incredibly unpopular among our pop culture, it's going to be hard for the squeamish among us to watch.

But make no mistake about it, the Honey Badger approach is the only way the GOP can win the presidency this year.

And Donald Trump is that Honey Badger.

Game on.


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