Well, if nothing else positive comes out of this horrific
atrocity in Orlando, Donald Trump did manage to finally, after 7-1/2 long
years, get both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to utter the words
“Radical Islam”. This is a breakthrough
that no establishment Republican, no conservative critic, no member of our fake
national “news” media had ever been able to accomplish with these two uniformly
dishonest and politically correct politicians.
Both Hillary and Obama naturally pooh-pooed the notion that
their willingness to actually utter the true name of the real existential
threat to American democracy was in any way important, and in doing that they
were both entirely incorrect.
This is a big deal.
Really, it is.
It’s a big deal because the Clinton/Obama policy of
attempting to fight Islamic terrorism in a squeamish, politically correct way
has been woefully inadequate, and has gotten thousands of Americans needlessly
killed both here in the U.S., and abroad in the myriad Middle Eastern conflicts
in which our military has been ineffectually engaged during this
presidency. One truly cannot effectively
fight an enemy if one is not just unable, but unwilling to accurately name who
that enemy happens to be.
The result of such an approach is that we force the FBI and
other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to spend days and weeks
following an obvious case of Islamic terrorism wasting precious resources
speculating about what, oh, what might his motivation have actually been? The result is we have 49 dead Americans shot
up in a club by an obvious Islamic terrorist who had been under FBI
surveillance for more than two years, who was known to be violent, was a known
wife-beater, had a father who was apparently a CIA asset, had regularly associated
with radical jihadists, had openly and loudly proclaimed his support for ISIS,
Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and who had, despite all of this, somehow been able
to not only obtain firearms, but also managed to – unbelievably! – hold down a
job as a security agent, a job that required a background check by the
Department of Homeland Security.
Folks, this makes the background story of the government’s
awareness and surveillance of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Kennedy
Assassination look positively sane by comparison.
But don’t blame the FBI and other law
enforcement/Intelligence agencies. The
Obama/Clinton policy of attacking Islamic terrorism through the lens of
political correctness requires that the FBI – which interviewed this terrorist
twice but let him go both times – pretend that such a person is just another
ordinary American. Mustn’t “profile” him
based on his associations and obviously violent intention, oh, no. Why, that
would be “racist” (even though Islam is not a “race”) or even worse, “Islamophobic”
(even though most adherents to Islam in the U.S. do not openly associate with
or proclaim allegiance to ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and thus do not
require monitoring by law enforcement).
Why, that might harm this poor man’s sense of self-esteem, and we
mustn’t do that, because the #1 job of the federal government in this
administration is the maintenance of everyone’s self-esteem, isn’t it?
But because Trump aggressively condemned this Clinton/Obama
policy of forced national insanity in his speech on Monday afternoon, both felt
compelled to actually utter the words the next day, Hillary in yet another puff
interview on one of the lapdog networks and the President in an extraordinarily
petulant and thin-skinned “press conference”, during which he naturally took
ZERO questions from the uncomplaining mannequins who make up our fake press corps.
Of course, other than this far overdue actual naming of the
real, true enemy, the Democrat strategy was, as it always is, to distract,
shift the subject and attempt to blame this latest Islamic Terrorist act on
Christians and guns. They’re so focused
now on denying you your rights under the 2nd Amendment that they now
have Jeh Johnson, Director of Homeland Security, out there saying that gun
control is now a key national security objective.
You should really pay attention to that new reality, because
it is not just a new talking point.
These people do not say things like that just for fun. What it means is that this administration –
and, God help us all if it comes about – a Hillary Clinton administration will
now begin finding ways to subvert the 2nd Amendment under the
Patriot Act and other homeland security measures passed following 9/11.
Don’t believe me? Read
the Tuesday New York Times editorial advocating that DHS establish a new “secret
court” that would have as its mission the steadily-increasing undermining of 2nd
Amendment gun ownership rights. In case
you hadn’t figured this out by now, the New York Times is the official
mouthpiece of this Administration, and quite often takes its cues and talking
points directly from Obama officials. If
you think this editorial coming simultaneously with Mr. Johnson’s new talking
point is a coincidence, check back in with me a year from now.
What this latest incidence of Islamic terrorism should bring
home to any thoughtful American is how critical it is for November’s election
to produce a real change in direction for our policy towards the threat. The only real change of direction available
to voters is Donald Trump.
But at least the country’s two leading Democrats have
finally been forced to utter the threat’s real name. As sad and tragically hilarious as it is to
say it, that’s progress.
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