Friday, June 17, 2016

Political Correctness IS The Problem

[Today a friend put up a Facebook post that said "I'm tired of moments of silence.  I want a voice who takes action and creates change."  The following was my reply to her.]

I completely agree.  I'm tired of moments of silence, too, and want a voice who takes action and creates change.

The people currently running our government - Democrat and Republican alike - rely on the complacency of the masses. They rely on the people out in flyover country to believe that, by having moments of silence, sending out images of ribbons in rainbow colors, or changing our avatars to an image of the French or Belgian flags, we have accomplished something real, and can now go back to our daily lives feeling better about ourselves.

The truth, of course, is that such feel-good gestures accomplish nothing. Nothing at all, other than, as previously mentioned, making us feel better about ourselves for having done the politically correct thing.

The problem here is that Political Correctness IS THE PROBLEM. By doing nothing other than the politically correct thing, and nothing more, all we are doing is facilitating the maintenance of the status quo.

That's exactly what the people in Washington, R and D alike, want us to do. If you wonder why everyone whose livelihoods and bases of power lay in our nation's capitol have reacted with such hate and anger towards the candidacy of Donald Trump, and why even many Rs are likely going to support Hillary Clinton over their own nominee, you need to understand it is precisely because he threatens to upset the status quo that feathers all of their respective beds.

PC IS the problem. PC is the reason why 49 good Americans died in Orlando last weekend. PC is the reason why the FBI was aware of this terrorist and could do nothing to stop him. PC is why they actually interviewed the guy three times but had no choice but to let him go. PC is why a known terrorist threat was able to hold down a job for years which required a federal background check.

PC is the problem. It is our enemy. And if we all do nothing in response to Orlando and Paris and Brussels and San Bernadino but the PC thing, then we become part of the problem, too.

1 comment:

  1. Well said as usual David. If you see a Republican claiming that they are voting for the criminal Hillary, because Trump does not stand for the ideals they hold dear, believe them. Because the ideals they hold dear are making money off of the holding of office. Of taking bribes - I mean donations- to their "charitable foundations" for favorable laws to the bribers (I mean donors). Hillary has shown them all exactly how to do this, and she is obviously their hero and blueprint on how to get rich in D.C. As David said, Trump threatens all this pretense of being a Republican and claiming it's the Dems spending all the money, and the Dems claiming the Repubs won't let them "fix" anything. They can't control Trump, heck, I'm not even sure Trump can control Trump. I will gladly take a little self control issue over someone intent on getting rich while in office.
