Friday, June 24, 2016

Does Brexit Vote Presage Trump Presidency?

It was a lot of fun to see all the long faces open the various major network morning shows with the news that voters in Great Britain had chosen, by a 52-48 margin, to free their home land from the chains and dictates of the internationalists who run the EU in Brussels.

Enough Brits had gotten sick of seeing their culture destroyed by the EU's open borders policies, had gotten sick of seeing their jobs shipped overseas, had gotten sick of a stagnant economy and falling standard of living, and more than anything else had gotten sick and tired of hearing Prime Minister David Cameron and the country's other internationalist leaders telling them that "that is not who we are" whenever they dared to complain, to push the final vote on this matter over the top.

Unsurprisingly to anyone who pays attention to such things, the actual vote stood in contrast to a rash of last minute polls and pronouncements in the British state-run media that the Brexit proposition was doomed to fail.  So ubiquitous was this "conventional wisdom" over the last couple of weeks that even the vast majority of pro-Brexit voters went to the polls fully expecting the proposition to fail.

If all of this sounds familiar to you, it should, because the basis for the Brexit campaign is essentially the same as the basis for the Donald Trump campaign here in the U.S.

President Obama began using his "that's not who we are" talking point two years ago, when he announced his executive order that would have "legalized" about 4 million illegal immigrants.  (That order was rebuffed by the Supreme Court yesterday.) He has repeated that talking point hundreds of times since, using every conceivable opportunity to try to brainwash the public into believing that the U.S. has always been a purely open borders nation.  That same drumbeat was quickly adopted by other Democrat politicians and their thousands of Democrat propaganda agents in our country's own fake news media.  Recently, we've even seen House Speaker Paul Ryan and a few fellow internationalist GOP members of congress take up the mantra.

The truth, of course, is that America has always been welcoming of immigrants, but always through an organized process of legalization and assimilation.  For more than 200 years this country was highly selective about who it allowed to come and join our society.  For more than two full centuries, this country carefully worked to ensure that immigrants came to this country wanting to assimilate to our society, wanting to join our existing culture, wanting - indeed longing - to be able to live under our system of laws and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

Trump began his campaign with the correct sense that a growing number of Americans are sick of being lied to by internationalist politicians about "who we are", sick of seeing our culture destroyed by open borders policies, sick of seeing our people sacrificed at the altar of unfettered immigration, sick of seeing our jobs shipped overseas, sick of economic stagnation and a falling standard of living.

The Trump campaign is essentially the same as the Brexit campaign.  Brexit, despite the intense and coordinated propaganda effort mounted by the Cameron government and the state run news media, in the face of a rash of polls showing it would fail, won yesterday by a comfortable margin.

In our presidential race, Trump is Brexit, Hillary is Remain.  Time will tell if British history can be repeated in America.


  1. I think Obama going over to lecture the Brits on why they needed to stay in the EU actually helped Brexit. I am really happy for Great Britain today. You will hear the mainstream media wale and gnash their teeth about the British pound and the stock markets falling, in fact. Chris Todd looked like he was on the verge of tears this morning on NBC. Not even a pretense of being a journalist today. What people need to understand is that freedom is seldom the easy choice. Freedom is achieved through strife, struggle, and sacrifice. The United States choosing freedom from England was not a walk in the park. It was the hardest thing those people had ever done. They didn't just loose 5% value off of their 401Ks. They lost their lives, and homes, and loved ones. So three big cheers for the UK, choosing freedom is the hard choice and the right one.

  2. Sing it to the rafters, David.

    Clay, BBC had an article yesterday with your points. The article implied that Obama's trip/speech was what put "it" over the top for the "common man."

    Lastly, during the Bush administration, a white paper was written that stated that immigration was the only way for Social Security and Medicare to survive. I may be wrong on whose administration it was. But, the white paper never anticipated that the immigrants would not be legal. Congress did not read the word legal. Thus, they only heard the word immigration and have gone along to get along for year upon year.

    So, my take is that Trump wants to bring the Rule of Law back to immigration, as well as full assimilation as all immigrants before them have done. Not creating their own law (sharia) or mini-homelands (Mexico). Thus, it is EXACTLY the same concept in America and England! Set and Match goes to David.

    1. Voting Trump: The paper you're talking about was indeed created during the early Bush 43 years. To this day, that theory forms the basis of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's support for open borders, and also informs the thinking of Speaker Ryan and many members of both parties. That theory is why you don't see congress taking any real, serious action to fight back against Obama's refusal to enforce immigration laws.

      And of course, the other reason Democrats love open borders is that they look at illegal immigrants as a major future base of voters. If Democrats thought illegal immigrants would come here, be granted citizenship and then vote Republican, they'd be the most ardent advocates for building Trump's wall.

      That's the truth.


    "Mr Obama’s intervention was decisive. The moment he demanded that Britain should remain within the EU, the polls began to swing against it. It was only when, in his maladroit fashion, he had sought to interfere in Britain’s decision that so many undecided voters woke up to the danger that the maneuverings and posturings of the international governing class represent to democracy."

