Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What We've Learned At The DNC So Far

What a fascinating and educational convention this has been so far for the Democrats in Philly.  Here are some of the things we have learned about the Democrats already this week, and it's only Wednesday:

  • We've learned that commiting fraud is a literal badge of honor to the Democratic Party.  How else to explain prime time speaking slots for the likes of Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren;  Lena Dunham, who falsly accused a college contemporary of raping her; the giving of a cushy job to Debbie Wasserman Schultz after it was revealed she rigged the primary process in Hillary's favor; and don't even get me started on Bill Clinton - we'll be here all day if I go down that road;
  • Then again, they just nominated the Most Corrupt Woman in America to be the Party's presidential nominee, so none of that should surprise us;
  • We've learned that Black Lives Matter to Democrats but Blue Lives don't;
  • We've learned that Democrats need the words of the Pledge of Allegiance displayed to them on a JumboTron, and that they will only grudgingly display the American Flag at their national convention when shamed into doing so;
  • We've learned the global jihad being mounted by radical Islam doesn't even enter the mental radar of the average Democrat, as 61 speakers on Monday never made any mention at all of ISIS;
  • We've learned that Democrats are fully in favor of building walls - they just want to build them to deny access to American citizens rather than foreign invaders;
  • We've learned that Paul Simon is aging as poorly as Bill Clinton, and that Howard Dean is apparently not aging at all;
  • And we've learned that there is no legitimacy in any sense to the Democratic presidential nominating process, and that Bernie Sanders is who we always really knew he was:  Just another sellout politician.
We've learned all of that, and there are still two more nights of this nonsense to go.

1 comment:

  1. It's simply amazing watching them. Sarah Silverman was at first amazed, then furious that the mindless minions of Bernie did not happily follow her proclamation that they must all follow her in lockstep behind Crooked Hillary. Then, listening to "Saintly" Bill. Hillary is the second coming of Joan of Arc. They transport illegal aliens across state lines to attend and speak at the convention (I think this is still on the books as a felony- but apparently not if you are a highly placed DNC person). They show utter contempt for our flag, for blacks, Hispanics, and their own registered voters. They want to import hundreds of thousands of unvetted refugees that view women as property, yet claim to be the champions of women's rights. Simply unbelievable.
