Friday, July 29, 2016

Time for a Change

After last night's boorish proceedings, at least we now know why Hillary Clinton's people didn't want anyone talking about ISIS and Islamic terrorism:  the two men who attempted to do so - including a heroic medal of honor winner - were roundly booed by a crowd chanting "No More War".  Ms. Clinton obviously had wanted to avoid such a damning spectacle. But there is no controlling the radical element that is now verging on becoming the majority in the Democratic Party.

And there is no going back.  With radical anti-American teachings having now taken full control of the country's universities, this element will fully command the mainstream of the D Party soon, probably by the 2020 elections.  It's inevitable.

On the GOP side, Donald Trump represents a disenchantment with the "Bush" wing of the Republican Party that has been growing since 2004.  A consistent near- 2/3rds of voters in the Republican primary process rejected the mainstream, internationalist, open borders candidates like Jeb!, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and others, dividing their votes instead between Trump, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz.

The Bushies are now a small minority of the GOP voter base, and there is no going back from there, either.

What this election season foreshadows is a future in which the two party system that has dominated our electoral process for 170 years is soon replaced by a system in which four or more parties vie for enough power to make themselves a part of a governing coalition.  In other words, the U.S. electoral/governing process will in the coming years look a lot like the processes in most of the European democracies.

This is all inevitable, and probably for the best.  The current two-party system has produced a single truly great president in 40 years now.  By and large it has produced disasters.  This election season is no exception, with two candidates, both of whom have negative ratings over 60%.

Time for a change.

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