Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

It is clear now that all of the Clinton shills in our fake news media are going in whole hog on attempting to distract attention from the WikiLeaks publication of 20,000 DNC emails and the scandalous nature of what those emails contain by focusing on the laughable conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin is behind it all.

Knowing now that Julian Assange has denied any connection to the Russians and that much, much more of the same sort of revelations are coming, the Democrats and their media agents are in full panic mode.  Latching onto confirmation from our now-disgraced FBI that the Russians have indeed hacked into the DNC servers over the last few years, news monkeys from fake media outlets are presenting this as "proof" that Vladimir Putin personally gave all of this information to WikiLeaks because he really, really likes Donald Trump.

By doing so, they hope viewers and readers will nod their heads and never realize that if the Russians were able to hack into the DNC system, there are probably about 3 million Millennials living in their grandmother's basements who could have easily done the same thing.

As always, they also expect the majority of Americans to be too ignorant or stupid to reason this all through logically.  Think about it:  If Putin wants to influence American policy, he already knows that the easiest way to do so is just make a huge contribution to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and Hillary will gladly give him whatever he wants, which is exactly what happened when, as Secretary of State, she approved a deal that signs over 20% of U.S. uranium resources to the Russians shortly before Russian interests made a series of mult-million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Further, if Putin does indeed possess information that would incriminate Hillary even more than she's already been incriminated (hard to imagine, but let's wait and see), then the simplest way to use that to his advantage would be to help her get elected and then simply blackmail her.  He already knows she has no ethical standards at all and would willingly cooperate.

But the Clintons have survived and thrived on the ignorance of the American people for the last 25 years, thanks in large part to the help of their propaganda agents at the major fake media outlets.  So the narrative is today and will continue to be "The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming! Ignore the scandalous, criminal information that the leaks contain, look instead at this shiny object over here! The Russians are Coming!"

You don't need to believe me on this - just watch the news coverage over the next few weeks. If you're stupid enough to buy into it and go around parroting the talking points they are force-feeding you, then you deserve what you get in the future. But it pisses me off that you are intent on sentencing the rest of us to the same fate.

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