Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wait: Who's About to Get National Security Briefings?

Over the last several days we have seen stories from liberal media outlets expressing feigned concern that Donald Trump is about to begin receiving regular presidential-level national security briefings from the Obama Administration.  Why, heaven forefend, whatever will we do?

I look at these stories and think, “what kinds of drugs must these people be smoking?”
Seriously.  The reality here is that all three of the remaining presidential contenders – Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – are about to begin receiving those briefings.  Let’s review exactly who these people happen to be:

  • Only one of these three candidates is currently the target of an ongoing FBI investigation involving possible violations of the federal Espionage Act.  That candidate’s name is NOT Donald Trump;

  • Only one of these candidates had international professional hackers like Guccifer taking up residence on her private email server, over which fully 2500 classified emails were routed during her term as Secretary of State.  That candidate’s name is NOT Donald Trump;

  • Only one of these three candidates spent his youth proudly proclaiming his Marxist beliefs, supported all manner of radical leftist causes in the U.S. and internationally throughout his life, took his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, and supported the Nicaraguan Sandinistas in direct violation of U.S. foreign policy during the 1980s.  That candidate’s name is NOT Donald Trump;

  •  Only one of these three candidates has actively participated in the solicitation and funneling of hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments who are hostile to U.S. international interests through her personal slush fund, er,  “foundation”.  She executed most of this activity during the four years in which she served as Secretary of State.  That candidate’s name is NOT Donald Trump.

Look, I can understand why reporters and editors, all of whom were brainwashed by leftist professors in journalism school, have a bias that they are uniformly unable to keep from coming out in their reporting.  But c’mon, this is like a freaking Twilight Zone episode, or the episode of Seinfeld in which George Costanza does everything backwards.

The real concern that any actual thinking American should have here is that the Democrat Party’s voters have, in their wisdom, elevated two candidates, both of whom have demonstrated very clearly throughout their careers in government that they do not give a damn about U.S. national security.  Not a tinker’s damn.
Those are the people who are about to be getting presidential-level national security briefings, and it should scare the hell out of all of you.


  1. Well said David. The press totally ignored Obama's background and history through two presidential campaigns. Now, they ignore Hillary's and Bernie's. Hillary, has already done so much more covering up than Nixon ever did it is ridiculous, and Bernie is an outright communist the likes of who, we have been trying to keep from taking over the world since the end of WWII. And they want to pretend that Trump is the problem, sheesh!

  2. You are right! We are living in the Twilight Zone! - Rebecca

  3. Google provided this previously-unknown-to-me padded cell you once occupied.

    Amazingly, it reads as if you wrote it yesterday. Oh, wait. Only one the candidates today is a multiply indicted parasite and his name IS Donald Trump, obvious illegitimate stepson of St. Ronnie.
