Sunday, May 29, 2016

Time to Shut Up, Mitt. Seriously.

Mitt Romney told an interviewer this week that he continues to attack Donald Trump because "that's how I can sleep at night."


Ok, so, this former two-time loser in presidential politics sleeps well due to his efforts to undermine his own political party's nominee for the office, thus helping a lifetime criminal in her efforts to sit in the White House for the next four years, sentencing the nation to what would be a de facto third term for our first openly fascist presidency.  This activity is what gives Mitt Romney sweet, sweet dreams.

Presumably, then, Mr. Romney has slept just fine for the last four years, since he did basically everything he could to ensure Mr. Obama got his second term in office. After all, this is the same Mitt Romney who squandered both debates with Obama by pulling every effective punch any respectable GOP candidate would have had at his disposal, the same Mitt Romney who paid some worthless consulting firm $14 million for a "get out the vote" effort that failed to materialize on Election Day, the same Mitt Romney who did everything he could to blow a fairly significant polling lead during the last six weeks of his campaign.

If you are a Republican voter who still gives a rat's behind what Mitt Romney has to say, you are part of the problem here, not the solution.

Time to shut up and go home, Mitt, or just come out with it and formally switch parties.  "Tiresome" is a very mild word to describe what your act has become.


  1. David, I think this election cycle has fairly clearly pointed out what many of us have thought was happening for quite some time- that both parties were in bed together to maintain the status quo. Trump (and Ted Cruz to a lesser degree) both threaten that. Trump is not running in order to receive 21 million in bribes over the next couple of years as Hillary has done. Trump is a threat because they can not control him through threats of the party not giving him campaign funds. Right now, Romney and the Never-Trumpers are as much a part of the problem as the democrats. It is truly time to clean house and get term limits.

  2. Thanks for the comments, Clay. I've never been a fan of term limits as a general rule, because they do no distinguish between the well-intentioned lawmakers and those who are just there to enrich themselves. Unfortunately, there are now so few of the former and so many of the latter that I'm having change of heart on the matter.
