Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's Trump's Election to Lose

Sorry the postings have been so sparse lately, but we've been involved in job changes and a move to a new city, and it's been hard to keep up.

But after yesterday's events, I had to find the time.

Put simply, Donald Trump's trip to Mexico is the turning point in the campaign, all other things being equal.  Regardless of how often the fake news media repeat the Clinton campaign talking points and ridiculing the trip, it was YUGE for Trump.

First, he made the trip to Mexico City at the invitation of President Pena Nieto.  The first thing that tell us is that, despite all the rhetoric from the media and the NeverTrump pinheads, the President of Mexico thinks it is entirely likely that Donald Trump is going to be the next President.

Smart man.

The next thing it tells us is that Mr. Nieto is anxious to establish a working relationship with Trump, in the hopes of mitigating his intentions to actually enforce U.S. immigration laws.  Again, smart man.

Even though he had barely 24 hours notice, Trump smartly jumped at the chance to fly to Mexico City.  The opportunity to hold a joint presser with the President of another country is a rare chance for any presidential candidate, and it was doubly important for Trump.

At that event, Trump was firmly in command of the agenda and the message, so much so that even the tireless Trump-bashing Charles Krauthammer had to admit he had done well.

Trump's speech in Phoenix later in the evening was even better, focusing as it did - and should have - on simply enforcing the U.S. immigration laws that have been on the books for many years.  The truth is, nothing more need be done to solve every problem related to our southern border.  Every one of them have been created and exacerbated by 16 years of presidents who had no intent or interest in enforcing those laws.

It was an incredibly smart speech, a brilliantly choreographed day overall, and without any doubt a turning point in this campaign.  And there was literally nothing Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama could do about it.

As I've said since last October, this is and remains Trump's election to win or lose.  His one and only task in this campaign is to convince the public at large that he can be a credible president who is not a danger to the Republic.  Wednesday went a long way towards accomplishing that goal and will have him ahead in several of the myriad polls by mid-week next week.

He has now avoided doing anything real stupid for three weeks.  If he can continue that for two more months, he will be elected president and it won't be real close.  The vast majority of Americans don't want to vote for Hillary, but they need to be made comfortable in voting for Trump.

It's all in Trump's hands now and there really isn't anything Hillary can do about it.

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