Friday, September 16, 2016

As The Polls Turn

Late last week I told you that the polling data would begin to turn significantly early this week in Donald Trump's favor, as the tracking polls began to interview likely voters in the days immediately following the "townhall" interviews he and Hillary Clinton did with NBC's Matt Lauer last Thursday evening.  Or was it last Wednesday?  It seems so long ago that it's hard to remember exactly.

At any rate, that's exactly what happened.  We see it in the internals of the LA Times poll, the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll and the Rasmussen survey.

The reason why this happened is simple:  Trump went on national TV with a hostile interviewer, held his composure, displayed good knowledge of the major issues, and most importantly, looked "presidential".  On the same program, Ms. Clinton looked like the extremely transparent habitual liar that she is.  Her eyes and body language give every lie away.  Even viewers who know nothing about reading body language can instinctively see she is lying her eyes out.

As we've repeatedly pointed out, the only thing that matters from here on out is whether or not Trump can give comfort to most undecided voters that he is not a danger to the country.  The only thing that matters where that is concerned is visuals, since probably 90% of Americans at this point are almost strictly visual learners with incredibly short attention spans (thanks, horrible education system and social media).

Trump's visuals last week with Lauer were great.  Probably the best he's had during the entire campaign season.  Hillary's visuals on the same program were god-awful, even moreso than they normally are.

Thus, the polling move towards Trump over the weekend was entirely predictable to anyone who does not get their news from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post or the New York Times.

What I didn't know when I wrote that piece late last week was that Hillary would exacerbate her own terrible week with her "basket of deplorables" remarks the next evening, and that her situation vis a vis visuals would shortly become infinitely worse, as it did when she physically collapsed at the 9/11 memorial on Sunday.  Unlike the bad visuals with Lauer, which her agents in the fake media moved away from as quickly as possible, that video - naturally not captured by any of the fake reporters who follow her campaign, but by a bystander with an I-Phone - has been played millions of times to date, and will be played millions more times prior to November 8.

The result of piling those events atop her terrible, horrible, awful, no-good evening with Matt Lauer has been to turn what would have been a significant polling move towards Trump into a polling tidal wave.  Barring another Clinton collapse, that wave will likely play itself out by the end of this weekend, but the damage is now done.  Trump leads now in every reputable tracking poll - and even in the disreputable Reuters/Ipsos sham poll - and not even the NY Times was able to dummy up a poll showing Mrs. Clinton with a significant lead.

There was another very significant and telling event that took place this week in Flint, Michigan.  As Trump was speaking to an African American church audience, he was heckled and then rudely interrupted by the church's female preacher when he began to make remarks about Mrs. Clinton.  This was an obvious pre-planned effort to provoke him into a stupid back-and-forth with the preacher, as he did with he Kahn family following the Democrat National Convention.

But this time, Trump didn't react to the shiny object like a cat chasing a laser pointer.  This time, he reacted calmly and gracefully ceded control of the podium to the hostile preacher. 


We are now in our fifth week of Trump not chasing any shiny objects or doing anything stupid.  This is the key to the entire campaign.  If he can keep that up for eight more weeks, this election will not be close.

Remember:  despite all efforts by the Clinton campaign and her supporters in the fake news media to convince you otherwise, this campaign is about one thing and one thing only. And at this point, Trump is on the way to winning big.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, today, the Hillary campaign is trying very hard to make the "birther issue" an issue. Trump is giving a speech/ news conference any minute now, and hopefully, he will not chase the laser pointer shiny object Hillary's peeps are flashing around. Unbelievable this morning, NBC today show has given about 20 minutes to this non issue ( I don't think Obama is running for office, yet then again, he really is). They are desperate to find anything to get the spotlight off of Hillary and her basket of deplorable lies and health problems.
