Friday, August 5, 2016

Everybody Calm The Hell Down

On Tuesday, the in-the-tank-for-Hillary Washington Post ran the following headline atop the latest anti-Trump rant by most-reliable Lapdog Dana Milbank:

Is this the beginning of the end for Donald Trump?

Now, if you take a step back from the brink of panic for a moment and reflect on this, you will no doubt realize that this is about the 6,000th time you have read that exact header or something very similar to it from our Fake National News Media (FNNM) since last July.  We've seen it in the wake of each and every Trump gaffe, seemingly poor debate performance (all of which turned out to help him in the polls), or attack on the nearest bystander or shiny object.

Ok, so, did any of those previous 5,999 times turn out to actually be the beginning of the end for Donald Trump?  (Hint: the correct answer is "no".)  So what makes you or anyone else think that this time is The One?

I mean, Dana Milbank is one thing - he doesn't really believe this, but is hoping to influence  his readers to believe that it is as a part of his never-ending lapdoggery in favor of the Clinton machine.  So I get that.

But the rest of you ought to know better.  You're smart people and can think for yourselves.  So do that.

No presidential campaign ever proceeds in a straight line to Election Day.  There are always going to be ups and downs, peaks and valleys, potholes, stumbling blocks and every other tired cliche' one can think of to describe what is always destined to an endless progression of random events.

And then there are the not-so-random factors, like all the polls released and paid for by the exact same FNNM outlets that are in the tank for Hillary.  Why are any of you even bothering to read such polls, much less allowing their results to cause you a bit of heartburn?  I have catalogued to you the absurd machinations that the folks at Reuters/Ipsos have gone to in order to ensure that their poll will always show Hillary in the lead, even going to the lengths changing methods in the middle of the campaign and back-fixing their results.  Why would you think that CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, WaPo and the NYTimes have not done the same thing in their ongoing efforts to influence this election in favor of their chosen girl?

If you must rely on a poll, rely on polls that are not paid for by fake news outlets, like Gallup and Rasmussen, whose latest tracking poll has Trump 4% down in the race.  That's probably fairly accurate.

Three months and three days remain in this campaign, a lifetime in the political world.  There is no question that the vast majority of voters want significant change and no question that Trump is the only change agent who has any chance to win the election.

Calm the hell down.  It's going to be ok.


  1. David, this line is priceless, " or attack on the nearest bystander or shiny object." That made me laugh out loud. Good article my friend!

  2. Well, given a choice between laughing or crying, I'd rather try to make people laugh. :)

  3. Despite the fact, it was on Fox, opinion piece entirely political at start, had massive factual data in it covering just about everything, author,inspite of himself, he had to say that for his family and small business to survive. He implied that party loyalties aside, American voters will be single issue voters. That could bode either good or bad.
